Andretti On Joining F1: "They told me to buy but no one wants to sell!"

Rindi Putra
Formula 1
Andretti On Joining F1: "They told me to buy but no one wants to sell!"
Andretti On Joining F1 They told me to buy but no one wants to sell!

The news about the joining of the Andretti team to Formula 1 is now starting to be talked about again. Finally, the FIA plans to grant permission for the American team to race in F1 as the 11th team. Even so, there are still many rejections from several teams and even from the F1 organization itself.

At the beginning of his interest, Andretti got a lot of scorn that they would not be able to compete in F1. However, after making partner with Cadillac GM (General Motors), it seems that Andretti's seriousness is unquestionable. With that much power, it seems that they have no problem with their finances.

Andretti: "They told me to buy but no one wants to sell!"

From the beginning of his interest, Mario Andretti (Andretti Autosports) received a lot of advice to buy one of the existing teams, but after visiting several potential teams (which could be bought) they were unable to sell the team.

This also annoyed Andretti because he felt he was being played by the F1 teams. They themselves suggested buying a ready-made team, but no one wanted to sell their team to Andretti.

"We've been to every single team. They keep saying 'buy a team', and nobody wants to sell!"

It is very unfortunate that Andretti got this kind of response from the teams in F1. One of the reasons why these teams are so against adding a new team is a matter of money and profit sharing.

The entry fee suddenly tripled

How much does Formula 1 entry cost for a new team? It is known that according to the agreed regulations, the F1 entry fee is currently at 200 million dollars. However, this is still being debated because F1 teams currently believe that figure should be 3 times as much, namely, 600 million dollars.

This figure is considered appropriate because currently Formula 1 is at the peak of its popularity.

In fact, Andretti himself was ready to pay an entry fee of $200 million which would actually be distributed among the existing teams.

Andretti still has a long way to go

The latest information we have received is that the FIA will soon give Andretti the green light to join Formula 1.

However, this does not automatically mean that they can immediately start preparations, there are still Formula 1 organizations that must be convinced that their presence in F1 will add more value to F1 as a whole.

There are also rumors that if Andretti joins F1 they will not immediately get all the benefits like other teams, there are many scenarios that can be used so that Andretti cannot immediately sit comfortably while competing.

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Rindi Putra
Rindi Putra
Graphic Designer & Technology Junkie Graduated with 'International Trade Management' Major | 2 Years of Professional career on International Shipping Company & 3 Years career on Local Fashion Brand Company | 10 Years (and still counting) as Digital content creator. Feel free to connect with me on Social Media Twitter/Instagram: @rindiputra

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